}--- polski

}--(58)-- projects
}--(30)------{ repetitions
}--(11)-- others works

---{ series

}--(7)-- poznań poetów
}--(5)-- polklore
}--(11)-- billboart
}--(4)-- they

   © twożywo
<--{ }---------->


plato - choco bar, true good beautiful

Wroclaw, Świdnicka str. <--[-]

---{ others realizations of this project:

}--- animation biweekly
}--- radio radio twożywo
}--- murals on the wall Płock, Kwiatka str.
}--- billboard projects Warsaw, Kopernika str. and Koszykowa str.
}--- stickers twożywo

---{ see also

[628.png] [2539.png] [1589.png] [89.gif] [687.jpg] [613.png]